Fire safety

KPN has built several new datacenters in Amsterdam which are protected by HI-FOG® water mist systems. An area of approximately 25,000 m² in total, spread across three buildings, was fitted with water mist protection.
The system uses an MSPU7+1 pump unit (with 8 motors, one of which is redundant) connected to a piping network with some 2,700 sprinkler heads in total. Because of the wide range of functions of the rooms in the buildings, this project uses both wet, pre-action and deluge systems.
Digital Realty Trust Datacenter
AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS: A dry pipe HI-FOG® system protects the critical areas in this premium next generation datacenter operated by Digital Realty Trust: five customer areas and an energy supply area. Both the hot aisles and cold corridors in the data areas are protected.
HI-FOG® was selected over competing technology as our system could protect all the identified risk areas.

Datahotel, Eemshaven
This datacenter has a data floor of approximately 10,500 m² and a technical building of approximately 5,000 m².
FireX B.V. supplied the HI-FOG® water mist system and the fire detection system for this datacenter. An SPU-7 electric pump unit and the HI-FOG® 2000 system were selected.
Datacenter NorthC, Eindhoven
Tier 4 certification means that the data applications require a high availability – downtime of the digital systems must be avoided at all costs. Tier 4 certification gives the highest uptime guarantee.
For this reason, all systems and installations required for the operation of this datacenter (1,200 m²) are fully duplicated and completely separated. RHDHV consultant engineers developed an appropriate fire safety concept, and FireX was involved from the early stages. Highly sensitive detection systems combined with pre-action HI-FOG® high pressure water mist systems were developed to a suitable design.

Datacenter Equinix Westpoort AM8
The Equinix AM8 datacenter is located in the north-west of Amsterdam. This datacenter is fitted with a HI-FOG® water mist system, using the existing pumps. A total of seven levels across two building sections are protected by the water mist system.
Because of the nature of the areas to be protected, this datacenter uses both pre-action and deluge water mist sections. The total protected area of this project amounts to some 3,750 m².
Datacenter Equinix Amstel Business Park AM6
The water mist system for the Equinix AM6 datacenter is being installed in stages. This datacenter uses several types of water mist system: the building has wet, pre-action and deluge sections.
If the system is triggered, the relevant section is supplied by an MSPU modular pump unit. The total protected area in this datacenter is approximately 15,000 m², spread across three floors.

Datacenter KPN Waalhave,n Rotterdam
This project in Rotterdam Waalhaven is similar to the project in Amsterdam – a KPN datacenter with a HI-FOG® water mist system. The total floor area protected by the water mist system exceeds over 20,000 m².
As in the Amsterdam datacenters this datacenter includes different water mist systems: wet, pre-action and deluge systems. It also uses the same type of water mist pump, a modular MSPU7+1 pump unit.
Datacenter NorthC, Aalsmeer
This datacenter in Aalsmeer is one of the four regional NorthC datacenters in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. The NorthC datacenter is located at the Hornmeer business estate near Schiphol, at the heart of one of the largest digital hubs in the Netherlands and Europe.
Here, an EPU7+1 pump unit was selected.

Equinix Frankfurt FR2 and FR6 datacenters
Several datacenters for Equinix are being developed in Frankfurt, fitted with HI-FOG® water mist system for fire suppression.
Because of the demanding requirements these datacenters are mostly fitted with pre-action and deluge systems supplied by MSPU modular pump units. The special HI-FOG® datacenter solutions can be applied to design customised systems which meet relevant requirements.
Datacenter NorthC, Oude Meer
The datacenter in Oude Meer (Schiphol-Rijk) is one of the four NorthC regional datacenters in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. It is located on the Fokker Logistics Park, right in the middle of one of the largest digital hubs in Europe.
Here, an EPU5+1 pump unit was selected.